On Sunday We fellowshipped with some very precious people, and after lunch our friend asked everyone to share about when the Resurrection really meant something in there life. Everyone had great answers, but the most memorable one was my husbands, he said that without the resurrection, the gospel is not fulfilled. For me the cross is so powerful, it reminds me so of my need for Christ, it reminds me of how undeserving of Christ grace I am, but did you realize that the Resurrection is the Apex of the Gospel, Paul says "And if Christ has not been raised, then our preaching is in vain and your faith is in vain" 1Cornth. 15:14.
I know and knew that the resurrection is amazing, I agree with Paul, but How much do we really focus on the Resurrection! He fulfilled the scriptures, He was beaten, he died, BUT HE WAS RAISED! And the sits on the Throne! And thus we can look forward to the Kingdom.
I know its not easter anymore, but I want to think on these things always. Because Christ is raised our faith is not vain. We can be kingdom oriented. We can live our lives in light of the gospel because it has been fulfilled by Christ.
Not sure how to end this, just wanted to share some thoughts. Please Share yours!